Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Ibogaine the Miracle Drug for Addiction Treatment

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Imagine if you had the ability to start over and have a clean start. Imagine a fresh new beginning to life after addiction, without the cravings and flashbacks, and everything that makes quitting once and for all so difficult. A natural, experimental drug treatment has been gaining ground within the medical community as a way for drug addicts to get clean and stay that way.

It's called Ibogaine, a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in Tabernanthe iboga, a rainforest shrub native to Central Africa. This shrub contains hallucinogenic properties that have been used by tribal nations for centuries.
Psychotherapists caught wind of this in recent years and began experimenting with it as a way to reach a higher state of consciousness. They noted the vivid dreams they'd have while consuming the substance, and how there was a strange-like connection between past and present throughout these dreams.

Howard Lotsoff was one of those who experimented with Ibogaine in 1962, although documentation shows that the CIA once studied the effects of Ibogaine even sooner, reportedly in the 1950s. In 1966, Ibogaine was first synthesized by G. Buchi. In 1967 it was put on the U.S.'s list of Schedule I drugs that were not accepted even for medicinal purposes. This was done in response to widespread and illegal use of psychedelic drugs, including LSD.

The research continued in Europe, however, with advancements coming out of Denmark and France where it was even marketed as a diet pill. Then in the 1990s, funding was provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in the U.S. to begin an Ibogaine research study.
Since then, the studies have continued, including a recent one in Canada in 2006, with legalization occurring in other nations. Funding is often an issue here in the U.S., but overseas, people are going to Ibogaine detox facilities. These treatment clinics contain a full staff of medical doctors and other medical providers who oversee the treatment and full detoxification of patients.

The patients leave after a week, or remain on the premises for additional psychological counseling. They later report not feeling the cravings anymore, although follow up treatment is recommended as one relapse could have deadly consequences. That's because Ibogaine heightens a person's sensitivity to drugs and alcohol to that of a non-addict. Since tolerance is a phase in the addiction process, there is a high danger of drug overdose after the treatment if a person chooses to use again at previous levels.

There are numerous online resources to help those who are interested in learning more about the drug, which is available in pill form. Unfortunately it is not available in the U.S. but many overseas programs do treat Americans and can even assist you in securing a passport quickly.

Detoxsal is an Ibogaine Treatment Facility offering natural drug detoxification programs including Ibogaine Detox Treatment and a 5 day Ibogaine Detox Program.

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Article Source Here: Ibogaine the Miracle Drug for Addiction Treatment

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