Thursday, March 2, 2017

An Easy Way to Determine if You Have a TMJ Disorder

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The doctor tasked to treat the problem and to the one suffering from headaches, finding a workable cure is not always easy. Also, head pains come in different kinds and from different causes. A widespread type is initially brought on by a bad bite and is a dental problem.

Just in front of the ear, jaw joints are found where pressure is applied if there is chewing and grinding of food. Start chewing once you have placed your fingers in front of your ears. You will feel the circulation of the muscles and jaw joint. Pain may be caused due to the imperfection of the bite.

Headaches are felt around the temples most of the time, but sometimes it can be felt on either side of the head or at both sides. The pain worsens if you are chomping on food, chewing a gum or flapping your jaw. This can grow worse if you keep on gritting your teeth when you are under tension. Dentists and doctors call this disease TMJ for short.

To easily determine whether a headache is brought by TMJ disease, put your fingers into your ears and chew. If pressing on the joints through the ears increases the pain, that's a sure sign. To fix the problem, a dentist is needed. The dentist will be able to balance your bite, fill up portions of some, teeth and build up others, in an attempt to make it secure and free of jaw jiggle. Sometimes jaw exercises and a nice brace to keep the jaws open a bit during sleep are recommended. Easily curable and less severe are this type of headache as compared to migraines which cause nausea and vomiting. Blood flow at the arteries outside the head increase in migraines. That is why, to cut down this flow, traditional treatment has primarily consisted of medicines.

The cure for spasm of the blood vessels to the heart is a new medicine developed seven years ago called propranolol. The doctors saw that some patients have been experiencing both heart pain called angina and head pain called migraine at the same time. Being cured with the new medicine led to the improvement of the patients' migraine.

Blood vessels of the heart and systemic circulation are expanded once propranolol is used. Angina heart pain is lessened as well as blood pressure is reduced with this kind of act. In one study conducted, half of the patients improved from propranolol instead from placebo wherein 60 migraine patients were given both medicines.

So propranolol obviously works for some migraine sufferers. However, it has some side effects, including diarrhea, abdominal cramps, irritability, sleeplessness or drowsiness. Also, the drug has relevant effects on the heart and circulation. A basic treatment is most likely still with methergyside, an LSD analog. Although propranolol's side effects are still under study, it may prove to be a useful medicine for some patients.

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